
homeBurnaby Garden Contestemail

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Updated September 18, 2011

Information below relates to the 2006 Contest and is provided for guidance only.
The next Garden Contest will be held in 2012 at the earliest.
The rules for future Contests are subject to change.
Please check back in Spring 2012 for further information.

Burnaby's Garden Contest 2006
If you are a resident of Burnaby and an ardent gardener, consider entering your garden in the 2006 Burnaby's Beautiful Gardens Contest.

There are categories for all types of gardens--- large gardens (over 800 sq. ft.), small gardens (under 800 sq. ft.) , back gardens, front gardens, patio gardens, balcony gardens.

Judging will be held between Monday June 19th and Thursday June 22nd with final judging on Sunday 25th June.

To enter, print out the attached Entry Form (link below), complete the form, and mail it to:
     Burnaby Garden Contest
     6540 Deer Lake Ave
     Burnaby, BC  V5G 2J3

Entry Forms are also available at Burnaby Public Libraries, Burnaby City Hall, Burnaby community centres and seniors centres as well as some garden centres in Burnaby.

Entries must be received by Wednesday June 14, 2006

For Information email info@brags.ca