BRAGS monthly meeting
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Updated February, 2015 |
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Quick Reference Speakers by Topic |
Speakers & Presenters Past & Present |
Art Cliff Thorbes Bamboo Ray Mattei Bees Tony Loades Birds Randy Solomon Bulbs Wendy Leroux Anne Marrison Chrysanthemums Bud Black Clematis Fred Wein, Sr Cyclamen Wilhelm (Bill) Bischoff Dahlias Bud Black Daylilies Pam Erikson Eagles Estate Heritage Garden Laura Ralph Eco-Sculptures Heather Edwards Fall & Winter Garden Features Conway Lum Flower Arranging Margaret Nakahara Garden Design Ayuko Inoue Ruth Olde Heather Webb Grasses Randal Atkinson Barbra Fairclough Hanging Baskets Coni O'Neill Hellebores Ray Beckhurst Hydrangeas Elaine Cramer Lawns Stan Kazymerchyk Native Plants Dave Hutch Photography Margaret Cadwaladr Adam Gibbs June Hunter Pest Management Conway Lum Ponds Roger Pinette Candyse Roberts Steve Kovacs Pruning Alan Reid Rhododendrons Les Clay Gerry Gibbens Charlie Sale Norbert Wuensche Roses Brad Jalbert Seeds Sharon Hanna Heather Havens Troughs, Hypertufa Gerry Gibbens Vegetables Bob Tuckey Ken Knechtel Wildlife Gardening Karen Myskiw Tony Loades Randy Solomon Xeriscaping Brenda Falk Miscellaneous Elke Knechtel Ken Knechtel David Forsyth Michael Lascelle Gary Lewis Judy Newton Gwen Odermatt Steve Whysall |
Randal Atkinson of
Meadowsweet Farms February 5, 2003 Presentation - "Ornamental Grasses" |
Ray Beckhurst,
Hellebore grower of Jenray Gardens Nursery February 4, 2004 Presentation - "Hellebores" February 3, 2010 Presentation - "Hellebores" Biography Born and raised in a small Australian city one hour's drive from Melbourne, Gardening has always been a part of my life. Growing up on an exceptionally deep suburban lot, we grew all our own vegetables, picked fresh fruit from the trees and collected fresh eggs daily from the chickens in the hen house. My Dad had me growing veges at an early age while my Grandpa taught me how to prune fruit trees. As a teenager I lived with my Grandmother in Melbourne where growing flowers first became a part of my life. Moved into a new home with my wife and two children, where I spent 3 years completely landscaping the property. In 1973 we sold and came to Canada on a 2 year working holiday, which has turned onto 36 years. I fully landscaped the place where we live in Surrey. The weather here is similar to Geelong where I come from, except for the sprinkling of snow we get here. In Geelong I had a winter garden so I was looking for a plant that would survive our winter. I discovered Hellebores which quickly became my passion. I initially began my collection by buying from Herronswood nursery in Washington, which was expensive, So I started buying seed from England,Germany, and eventually Australia. I discovered that every seed would grow for me, I only needed one of each variety for my garden, the rest I offered for sale at Garden Clubs spring plant sales. I started my home based Jenray Garden Nursery business, learnt as much as I could about these wonderful plants, and have been discussing their virtues at Garden Clubs throughout the Lower Mainland, the Sunshine Coast and on the Islands for the past 15 years. |
Wilhelm (Bill) Bischoff,
Cyclamen and Orchid expert. January 7, 2009 Presentation - "Cyclamen" November 3, 2010 Presentation - "Hardy Orchids" Cyclamen photos and speaker notes Available for lectures & tours of his garden featuring most cyclamen and hardy orchids that grow in the Vancouver area and also tropical orchids in greenhouses. Phone 604-589-6134 or email wbischoff @ |
Bud Black, Dahlia
& Chrysanthemum expert April 7, 2004 Presentation - "Dahlias & Chrysanthemums" |
Cadwaladr Nov 5, 2014 - "Wisley Gardens" Margaret is the author of Canadian bestseller In Veronica’s Garden: the Social History of the Milner Gardens and Woodland. The book was well received and was a finalist for an international award sponsored by the Council on Botanical and Horticultural libraries as an “outstanding contribution to the literature of horticulture or botany.” Margaret has had many articles published locally and internationally in magazines, newspapers and journals including GardenWise and Pacific Horticulture. She has a special interest in autobiography and life story and published Speed’s War: A Canadian Soldier’s Memoir of World War II and Come Back Judy Baba, a memoir of India. Notable Speaking Engagements:• National Botanic Garden, Dublin• Glin Castle, Ireland• Longwood Gardens, Pennsylvania• Garden Writers National Symposium, Valley Forge, Pennsylvania• Federation of BC Writers AGM• New England Garden Show, Boston, Massachusetts• Canada Blooms, Toronto, Ontario• NorthWest Flower and Garden Show, Seattle• Western Regional Conference, American Rhododendron Society• Numerous garden, historical and non-profit organizations Margaret Cadwaladr was born in Vancouver, BC and currently lives in New Westminster with her husband Jim, the founding Executive Director of the Milner Gardens and Woodland. |
Les Clay of Rhodohaven
Gardens February 7, 2007 Presentation - "Species Rhododendrons" Les Clay has been in the nursery business for over 50 years and currently operates Rhodohaven Gardens in Langley. He is a well- known expert in rhodo propagation and in 1975 was President of the International Plant Propagation Society. Two years later he began Les Clay Nursery (now sold) using new tissue culture technology. Les will talk to us about species rhodos with recommendations for suitable types to grow in containers and small gardens. Go to Forms & Downloads for a copy of speaker notes. |
Elaine Cramer May 7, 2008 Presentation - "Hydrangeas" |
Heather Edwards of
the City of Burnaby February 6, 2007 Presentation - "Eco-Sculptures & Burnaby Projects Further information to come. Read about Eco-Sculptures in Burnaby |
Pam Erikson of Erikson's
Daylily Gardens April 7, 2010 Presentation - "Daylilies" Pam is recognized as one of the leading breeders and suppliers of daylilies in Canada. As well as being President of Erikson's Daylily Gardens nursery, Pam is President of the Aldergrove Daylily Society, Vice-President of the Canadian Hemerocallis Society, Vice-President of the CanAm Daylily Meeting. She is also past RVP of the AHS Region 8 and former Chair of the VanDusen Flower & Garden Show. Erikson's Daylily Gardens is located at 24642 - 51 Ave., Langley, B.C. Canada V2Z 1H9 |
Barbra Fairclough October 3, 2007 Presentation - "Ornamental Grasses in the Landscape" Barbra is a sought after garden speaker, with an unending enthusiasm for influencing how we value our landscapes. Since graduating from Kwantlen School of Horticulture she has been an active participant in the horticulture industry. She sits on the Boards of both the BC Landscape and Nursery Association and BC Communities in Bloom. Her volunteer work includes overseeing the redevelopment of the GardenWise Directory and judging for both the Canadian Horticulture Technician Certification and BC Landscape Awards of Excellence. Barbra has consulted to Canada Wide Media Limited and has worked as Horticultural Editor, and contributing Writer and Photographer for GardenWise Magazine. Having worked in both the growing and retail sectors, she currently operates FarmHouse Gardens, a company specializing in high quality residential landscape management in the South Central Fraser Valley. She will show us a fresh approach on how to use grasses in our landscapes and containers. Speaker Notes |
Brenda Falk of Tanglebank Country
Gardens nursery June 3, 2014 Presentation - "Xeriscape Gardening" June 4, 2008 Presentation - "Drought Tolerant Plants-Xeriscaping" October 7, 2009 - "Grasses & their Companions - Great Fall Gardens" |
David Forsyth Digital Slide Show Presentations September 7, 2005 Burnaby Garden Tour September 6, 2006 Burnaby Garden Tour September 5, 2007 Burnaby Garden Tour September 3, 2008 Burnaby Garden Tour September 2, 2009 Burnaby Garden Tour September 1, 2010 East Side-West Side Garden Tours |
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Gerry Gibbens has
been the Gardener of VanDusen Botanical Garden
Sino-Himalayan Garden since 1980. Gerry is a
recognized rhododendron expert, speaker, &
educator. He is Past-president of the Vancouver
Rhododendron Society & the Alpine Garden Club of BC as
well as a Director of District 1 of the American
Rhododendron Society. Gerry received his garden
training at Windsor Great Park in England. February 2, 2005 Presentation - "Hypertufa Troughs" March 5, 2008 Presentation- "Rhododendrons-Questions & Answers" |
Adam Gibbs,
Photographer for Gardens
West magazine March 3, 2004 Presentation - "Garden Photography" For Adam Gibb's biography and information about his photographic work go to his website |
Spring Gillard of City Farmer and
author of "Diary of a Compost Hotline Operator" November 2, 2005 Presentation Spring has been on the staff of the Vancouver Compost Demonstration Garden for over 10 years and operates the Compost Hotline. |
Sharon Hanna March 7, 2007 Presentation - "Starting Plants from Seeds" Sharon has been employed with various companies in the horticulture industry in the Vancouver area for more than 20 years. She has expertise and interests in seed propagation, organic gardening, recipe development, attracting beneficial insects, food security and hunger issues. Sharon is classified as a "seed specialist" with the Garden Writers of America and has written and/or edited for several publications, websites, and seed catalogues. She has also designed school gardens at elementary schools in Vancouver and received the City of Vancouver Mayor's Award for Environmental Excellence in 2005. Article: Beneficial Insects-Think Before You Squish |
Heather Havens February 4, 2009 Presentation "Plants from Seed" |
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Marilyn Holt June 3, 2015 Presentation "Herbs: Culinary, Medicinal & Cosmetic" Marilyn Holt is a gardening enthusiast, international speaker and once owned and operated a Pelargonium nursery, exporting plants internationally. She was the Editor of the B.C. Council of Garden Clubs ‘The Bulletin’ for seven years. Marilyn is currently the Garden Center Manager for the Abbotsford Buckerfields store and is also a Horticultural Judge. She shares her knowledge by putting on workshops and seminars for Buckerfields throughout the year as well as speaking to various garden clubs and groups. |
June Hunter of June Hunter Fine Art
Botanical Images November 1, 2006 Presentation - "Garden Images on Tiles" June was born in the heart of industrial Newcastle-upon-Tyne in northern England. In spite of the lack of natural flora, her mother soon introduced her to the intricate marvels of the botanical world. At the age of nine she was given her first camera (a Kodak Instamatic) and has been an avid photographer since. June has earned a Bachelor Degree in English Literature and a Diploma in Media Studies. The images she produces begin life as 35mm photographs taken in her own garden, hand held and using only available light. These images are then digitally processed and applied to marble tiles, jewellery, and prints. |
Dave Hutch April 4, 2007 Presentation - "Native Plants for the Home Garden" Dave has worked for a variety of federal, provincial and municipal agencies responsible for land management, environmental conservation and enhancement, parks planning and design. He has spent the past thirteen years as a landscape architect in municipal parks and environment departments on Vancouver's North Shore. Dave's commitment to sustainable design practices has led him to employers who have a strong environmental ethic. Projects includes: resource efficient landscapes, development of green infrastructure, parks and greenway development, urban natural area rehabilitation and management. |
Ayuko Inoue of
Gardens by Design
May 6, 2007 Presentation - "Small Space Gardening" Ayuko came to Vancouver in 1982 via London, England where she lived for 7 years. After working as a Market Analyst in the shipping and commodity industries, she went back to London to study garden design. When she returned to Vancouver, she started her garden design company, Gardens by Design, offering both design and installation. During the 15 years of operating her company, she designed gardens all over the Lower Mainland, Sunshine Coast, and Calgary. Ayuko is also a Master Gardener at VanDusen Botanical Garden and teaches garden design courses at VanDusen and North Shore Continuing Education. |
Brad Jalbert
of Select Roses
nursery in Langley March 5, 2003 Presentation - "Rambling & Climbing Roses" March 3, 2010 Presentation - "Rose Pruning Demo & AV Presentation" Visit the Select Roses website for lots of information about the nursery and about Brad Jalbert's passion for growing roses. |
Jennings of The Vancouver Shade Garden Society March 4, 2015 Presentation - "Shade Gardening" Chris was a "do-nothing" gardener for decades until he moved to Vancouver about 20 years ago, then suddenly was bitten by the green thumb bug after going to a summer garden show. He first became fascinated with fuchsias and joined the BC Fuchsia and Begonia Society, serving on their Executive for 7 years before branching out on his own with a few close gardening friends to found the Vancouver Shade Garden Society in 2003. Since then he and his Society members have been exploring the world of gardening with shade-loving plants and discovering its joys, which, contrary to popular opinion, doesn't mean just growing ferns and hostas! Chris has served as President and Newsletter Editor of the Vancouver Shade Garden Society for many years, and has given presentations at numerous other local area garden clubs. He and his other club members are always happy to bring the fun side of shade gardening to other interested gardeners, by way of their annual show at VanDusen every year, as well as with participating in the Burnaby Rhododendron Festival and various other events like the Main Street Autumn Shift Festival and the BC Council of Garden Clubs yearly meetings, and of course, by speaking to other garden clubs. |
Stan Kazymerchyk,
Turfgrass Management Instructor, Kwantlen Polytechnic
University. November 5, 2008 Presentation - "The Sustainable Lawn" |
Elke Knechtel of Perennial
Gardens nursery October 1, 2003 Presentation - "The Perennial Border" February 4, 2015 Presentation - Vegetable Growing" for Biography and details see Ken Knechtel below. |
Ken Knechtel of
Red Barn Plants nursery June 2, 2004 Presentation - "Hostas" January 5, 2005 Presentation - The Eagles Estate Heritage Garden" ![]() Elke and Ken have been growing plants since the late 1970’s. With youthful passion they developed Rainforest Gardens, a retail/mail order perennial nursery. With the arrival of children their goals and aspirations grew into The Perennial Gardens, a leader in plant introduction and cultivation. In the 2000’s their passion blossomed into Red Barn Plants & Produce growers of interesting vegetables, herbs, edible annuals and of course intriguing perennials. In 2009 they bought their Cawston field farm and Erik, their son, came on as manager and partner in their continuing adventure. Erik now refers to them as mud farmers and himself as a dust farmer. A reference to the two very different climates at our two farms. They currently sell their produce at farmer’s markets across Greater Vancouver. Their plants are available at leading garden centres as well. They enjoy what they do and always have enjoyed talking about farming, growing and the like. |
Steve Kovacs of Waterscene Designs April 2, 2008 Presentation - "Small Water Features" Cancelled Steve Kovacs is a water-gardening specialist and the president of Waterscene Inc. of Delta, BC. Much of his background includes experience in the swimming pool and hot tub industry, having founded the building/retailing company Swim Blue Pools and Hot Tubs in 1972. |
Michael Lascelle
of Amsterdam
Greenhouses & Garden Centre November 3, 2004 Presentation - "Wild & Wonderful Plants" |
Wendy Leroux of Botanus Along with Pam Dangelmaier & Elke Wehinger June 1, 2011 Presentation "Create a Summer Bulb Spectacular" For Bios of all 3 Botanus principals visit the Botanus website. |
Gary Lewis of
Phoenix Perennials May 6, 2015 Presentation - "Cutting Edge Plants for Cutting Edge Gardens" Gary Lewis began botanizing his local fields and forests around the age of four (first in Germany, then in Nova Scotia and Ontario), began collecting houseplants at the age of 10 and began gardening at the age of 15. He holds a Masters of Science degree in Plant Ecology from the University of British Columbia, training which, with its focus on the botany and ecology of wild plants, greatly informs his horticulture. Gary became the owner of Phoenix Perennials in 2004 on his 28th birthday. Since that time he has greatly expanded the nursery to include one of the largest and most exciting selections of perennials in Canada with over 4000 different plants each year. He strives to include cutting edge new perennials, tried and true garden stalwarts, and the rare and unusual in his plant offerings. In 2013 Phoenix Perennials launched mail order across Canada to bring their unique selection of plants to a broader audience. Gary is the Canada Region Director for the Perennial Plant Association, the North America-wide industry association that brings gardeners the Perennial Plant of the Year. He is on the Advisory Committee for E-Flora BC, an online atlas of BC native plants. He also serves on the Perennial and Bulb Selection Committee of Great Plant Picks, an educational awards program of the Miller Botanical Garden that works to build a comprehensive palette of outstanding plants for BC and Pacific Northwest gardens. In 2014 Gary was selected as one of Canada’s “Top 10 Horticultural Professionals Under 40” by Greenhouse Canada magazine. Phoenix Perennials was selected for the 2015 “Revolutionary 100” honouring the 100 best cutting edge garden centres in North America. In 2013 Gary was selected as Communicator of the Year by the BC Landscape and Nursery Association, an award for which he was nominated in 2012. In both 2012 and 2013 Phoenix Perennials won the category of “Growing Gardeners”, part of the Canadian Garden Centre of the Year Awards. These awards recognize Gary’s work to educate and inspire the gardening public through speaking engagements, nursery workshops, special events and diverse online content including e-newsletters and alerts, Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, Pinterest and Instragram. |
Tony Loades May 6, 2009 Presentation "Bees" Tony is employed at the Honeybee Centre in Surrey |
Gary Lewis of Phoenix
Perennials May 3, 2006 Presentation - "What's Hot This Year?" |
Conway Lum of GardenWorks November 5, 2003 Presentation - "Integrated Pest Management" April 6, 2005 Presentation - "Integrated Pest Management II" |
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Anne Marrison,
writer & broadcaster April 2, 2003 Presentation - "Primulas" October 5, 2005 Presentation - "Unusual bulbs" |
Ray Mattei of Tropic to Tropic Plants October 4, 2006 Presentation - "Bamboos" Ray has been growing and producing bamboo in his gardens for over 25 years. He has over 50 varieties ranging in height from 2 to 45 feet in his nursery called "Tropic to Tropic Plants" in Delta. He not only teaches people how to choose the proper bamboo for their particular gardens, but also teaches how to eradicate the varieties that are not good choices for the urban garden. |
Karen Myskiw
of Jardins Designs Presentation April 1, 2015 "Habitat Gardens for Butterflies, Birds, Bees" Karen June Myskiw, (B HE, B Larch, B Ed) is a designer and educator whose passions integrate practices of ecological gardening, preparing local foods, art-making, global travel and writing. JardinsDesigns is her consulting practice with a focus on the seamless integration of indoor and outdoor living rooms to create an atmosphere of wellness. |
Nakahara Oct 1, 2014 - "Flower Arranging Demonstrations" Bio: I have been doing flower arranging/floral art for more than 50 years as I learned my trade from an English Grandmother who always had flowers on the table and had an amazing garden. I am a senior floral art show judge, I have managed a florist shop, and own my own floral art business. I have been President of BC Council of Garden Clubs, BC Floral Art Society, The Society of Horticultural and Floral Design Judges of BC. I have taught Horticultural and Floral Design Judging Schools, and taught in the north and West Van. night school and recreation center for more than 20 years teaching Floral Art, Floral Crafts such as pressed Flowers, and drying of flowers, plus a florist program. Currently I am a member of the Lynn Valley Garden Club, and the Vancouver Orchid Society and the BC Judges group mentioned. My yard is full of Rhodo and Azalea, plus I have numerous fish pets in a pond. I have more than 300 orchid plants in the house, and outside is a garden full of dahlia plants, fruit trees and bushes, and assorted perennial. |
Judy Newton, Special
Education Assistant of UBC Botanical Garden March 2, 2005 Presentation - "The Scented Garden" June 2, 2010 Presentation - "The Summer Garden" |
Gwen Odermatt March 4, 2009 Presentation "Great Plant Picks Program" |
Ruth Olde of Blasig Landscape Design January 4, 2006 Presentation - "Landscape Design" |
Coni O'Neill, BRAGS
President May 7, 2003 Presentation - "Creating a Spectacular Hanging Basket" |
Roger Pinette of
Ponds Beautiful & contributor to Gardens West magazine May 4, 2005 Presentation - "Water Features for any Garden" |
Laura Ralph April 1, 2009 Presentation "Eagles Estate Heritage Garden - Update" Laura is Head Gardener at the Eagles Estate (operated by The Land Conservancy of BC) and other TLC properties in the Greater Vancouver area. |
Alan Reid of GardenWorks March 1, 2006 Presentation - "Lawn Alternatives" January 2, 2008 Presentation "Pruning"
Dr. Reid is Horticulturist and Education Manager for Gardenworks; Assistant Professor, Dept of Biology and Horticulture UCFV; and a Board member of VanDusen Botanical Garden. He has completed numerous speaking appearances including VanDusen Garden Show, CITY-TV, BC Landscape and Nursery Trades Association, and garden clubs. Academic achievements include a B.A from University of Wellington (NZ), Ph.D in Biosystematics from UBC, and a Post Doctoral Fellowship at the Natural History Museum in Los Angeles. Dr. Reid was a Provincial Pathologist for Alberta Agriculture 1995-1999. |
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Candyse Roberts of GardenWorks April 2, 2008 Presentation - "Small Water Features" Candyse has been with Garden Works for the last two years and heads up most of their Hands on Workshops for both kids and adults. She will be showing us choices for small water feartures for the deck or balcony. |
Charlie Sale February 1, 2006 Presentation - "Bullet Proof Rhododendrons" |
Randy Solomon of the
Backyard Bird Centre
in Port Moody November 7, 2007 Presentation - "Attracting Birds to the Garden" After having developed a life-long interest in nature, Randy was looking for a way to blend his interest in nature with a business concept. Tired of doing the books for other companies he opened his first store twelve years ago in Lougheed Mall. Five years later he moved it to North Road where he operated for 7 years. Finally, an opportunity came up to move the store to Newport Village, a popular and funky shopping area in Port Moody. Randy carries the largest selection of bird feeders in B.C. but also offers a wide selection of unique gift items such as garden decor, quality windchimes, and hand-painted art glass. |
Cliff Thorbes
of Piece by Piece
Design June 6, 2007 Presentation - "Art in the Garden" Cliff is a certified Horticulturalist and experienced artist. He has been creating art for over 20 years by working in stone, metal, glass, wood, and ceramics. He has now turned his attention to creating mosaic masterpieces. His art gives a lasting finishing touch in any garden. |
Bob Tuckey owner of
The Natural
Gardener Garden Store May 5, 2010 Presentation - "Growing Vegetables in the Ground and in Containers" Bob is a Master Gardener. His Natural Gardener Garden Store offers interesting, rare, and unusual plants, native plants, organic fertilizers, garden tools. |
Heather Webb
at January 7, 2015 Presentation - "From the Ground Up - West Coast Garden" Gardening has been a constant thread through my whole life, it connects me to my family, I have made life-long friends through gardening and I have shared and been given many wonderful plants. I was raised on a hobby farm in Port Coquitlam and my first experience with gardening was weeding in the family vegetable garden, it was hard, hot work and I hated every minute of it! Then as I grew older I began to appreciate gardening and how fortunate I was to have grown up with a yearly abundance of fresh produce. I love nature in general and seeing it in bloom gives me a great deal of satisfaction. My Maple Ridge garden was done from nothing and it grew into over 250 perennials, annuals and vegetables in containers. Other tidbits: -blog at -tea enthusiast, teaching a course called 'The Nuances of Tea' through Continuing Education -garden photographer -Maple Ridge Fair and Fraser Pacific Rose Show competitor -I love to talk about plants with other enthusiastic gardeners |
Fred Wein, Sr. of Home of Clematis and Clearview Horticultural Products April 5, 2006 Presentation - "Growing Clematis" June 3, 2009 Presentation - "Clematis" |
Steve Whysall,
Vancouver Sun Westcoast Home Editor October 6, 2004 Presentation - "The Reality of Gardening" |
Norbert Wuensche,
Rhododendron Hybridizer & BRAGS member September 3, 2003 Presentation - "New Burnaby Rhododendrons" |
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