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BRAGS Membership

If you love gardens and gardening and live in Burnaby or surrounding  areas  you should consider joining BRAGS.  Our members join because of an interest in their own gardens, to share their interest with others, and to make our community a better, more beautiful place in which to live and work.

Member involvement in our special events is always voluntary and is a satisfying, fun way to contribute to our club and to the wider community.  This involvement is one of the special rewards of membership.

Our regular monthly meetings feature interesting and informative presentations by gardening experts and an opportunity to connect socially with fellow gardeners.  A monthly newsletter, email bulletins, and this website also help to keep our members informed.

In addition, one other very concrete and worthwhile benefit of membership is a discount offered to members on purchases made at many local garden shops and nurseries.

An annual membership in BRAGS is only $12.  You can join at any of our meetings or events as listed in the Calendar or print out, complete, and mail in the Membership Form available on this website.

We look forward to meeting you at BRAGS.

Good Gardening !